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DazzlingBAD - Necrosis Zyanose

as名義 DAZZLINGBAD (ダズリングバッド)

Necrosis Zyanose
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0 yen & 2500 yen
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demo (デモ)
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  • Demotape released by Dazzling Bad, the 90s kote kei tribute alter-ego(?) of DazzlingBAD. It was freely distributed at DazzlingBAD lives from July 18th of the year “S98.”

    As declared in the flyer, all recording, mastering, etc. was done using equipment from the year 2000 or earlier. A QR code is included with a link to download the first two songs, but the track heroin can only be heard on the demotape.

  • It's unconfirmed whether or not DAZZLINGBAD is indeed an alter-ego (similar to other tribute alter-egos such as ディオーラ) or if the band simply decided to write their name in katakana for this release.

  • S98 is a way to write the year which is exclusive to Japanese, where instead of referencing the modern Gregorian calendar, the nth year of the current Japanese era is referenced. For example, Japan declared in 2019 that the Reiwa (令和) era had begun. So you could write 令和2年 (Reiwa 2nen) {2nd year of the Reiwa era} instead of 2020. And then you can shorten it even further by just writing R2.

    In this case, the band has declared that the demotape was released in S98, or Showa 98nen (昭和98年) {98th year of the Showa era}. But the Showa era actually ended in 1989, a.k.a. S64. So the band is technically referencing a year which “doesn't exist,” although if you were to continue counting past S64 until you got to S98 it would indeed be the year 2023.

    Strangely, although the band is paying homage with this release to the years 1990~2000, those years were actually part of the Heisei era. So H35 / Heisei 35nen would make more sense in terms of the homage. It's possible that this is a way to also reference the band La'veil MizeriA (a full-time 90s kote kei homage band) who began claiming all of their releases in 2018 were actually released in 1998 and so on.


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DazzlingBAD - Necrosis Zyanose (DazzlingBAD - ネクロシスチアノーゼ)

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2023-09-15 the demotape + photobooklet was also sold at their webstore for a limited time for a price of 2500yen

2024-01-10 the demotape + photobook will be sold "nationally" (maybe still at selected stores [tower records sells it]) however in a limited number. for 2500yen
and seems that CROW MUSIC helped to distributed it.

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2023-12-24 19:50:10

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