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Doro Darake no Kumorizora Kara (※ likely fake)
泥だらけの曇り空から (※ likely fake)
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Doro Darake no Kumorizora Kara
(unknown live track 1)
(unknown live track 1)
(unknown live track 2)
(unknown live track 2)
(unknown live track 3)
(unknown live track 3)


  • This is probably a fake, but until it's confirmed to be a fake, it won't be deleted. Doro Darake no Kumorizora Kara is a title often attributed to an early version of Machibouke no Kouen De, but that's a title that would more fit Doro Darake no Seishun. In fact, the only online-existing recording of the early version of Machibouke no Kouen De, is labeled simply as "Track 2" on youtube. The existence of the demo at all is up in the air as no site mentions it. There is also a supposed song called "Mayonaka no Gensou" but that's also the name of a now lost blog that uploaded pics of bands of this type.

    As well, the 3 "live" songs might just be from an infamous tereko. A similar thing was spread around with a supposed Ma'die Kusse tape, that Jekyll (Casuga) confirmed to be fake. However, we haven't had any real confirmation so at the moment, this page will stay up in the very slight possibility that it actually exists.


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Kar†te=zyAnose - Doro Darake no Kumorizora Kara (※ likely fake) (Kar†te=zyAnose - 泥だらけの曇り空から (※ likely fake))

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I'm almost 90% certain that either:
A. This doesn't exist
B. This does but a tereko is mislabeled as the demo

Because I finally got my hands on the full Kar+Te=Zyanose tereko and it's got the same labeling as the track listing here, but they're all live songs

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2022-02-14 01:11:12

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