
Documentation: Participation

How to become an editor
In order to maintain high quality data, there are several steps one must take to be able to contribute to vkgy.

Step 1: Register and participate

  1. After you register an account, you will automatically gain points by participating in the website.
  2. After reaching 5 points you will gain permission to tag artists, display links in your profile, and request the junior editor role.

Step 2: Become a junior editor

  1. You will be automatically given the junior editor role upon request. It allows you to add images, lives, releases, and videos. You may also request deletion of these item types.
  2. Each image, live, release, or video that you add will be reviewed by a moderator. You will gain 1 point for each item approved (in addition to the points accrued by normal participation in the website).
  3. When you reach 10 points for a certain item type, you will no longer require approval for that type. For example, after 10 approved images, you will no longer require approval when uploading images, but you will still require approval when adding videos.
  4. After reaching 100 points in total, you may request the editor role.

Step 3. Become an editor

  1. The editor role is not given automatically. A moderator will review your request and approve or deny it.
  2. If you are granted the role, you will be able to add images, lives, releases, and videos without approval (even if you failed to meet the 10 point minimum while a junior editor). You will also be allowed to add, edit, and request deletion of artists, labels, magazines, musicians, songs, and other types of data.
  3. Some data operations (such as adding new livehouses) may require additional permissions, which will be awarded on a case by case basis.

Notes about other roles

  1. The moderator role is given on a case by case basis to those who completely understand vkgy's rules and are able to tactfully handle disputes. Users with this role may mark data for deletion, answer questions, and assign roles to other users. This role may not be requested.
  2. The admin role is only given to a few users. These users not only understand and follow all of vkgy's rules, but also understand the technical side of the website and are trusted to make changes. They may permanently delete data or assign individual permissions to users. This role may not be requested.
  3. The VIP role indicates that you are a supporter of the site and brings certain cosmetic benefits. However, please understand that VIP users will not be automatically given editor roles.